- Feijoada Carioca/Typical Brazilian Beans Stew
R$ 110,00

Couve, arroz, laranja e farofa de manteiga / Kale, rice, orange and manioc flour

- Caldeirada de peixe à Portuguesa/Fish Casserole Potuguese Style
R$ 110,00

Cozido com tomate, cebola e azeite de oliva - Arroz e pirão / Cooked with tomato, onion, potato and olive oil - Rice and stewed manioc flour

- Couscous Marroquino com carne, frango ou legumes/Moroccan Couscous with beef, chicken or vegetables
R$ 95,00

Legumes, hortelã, molho de tomate e ervas / Zucchini, pepper, mint, tomato sauce, herbs)